Wednesday 14 July 2010

Doing something more

I've realised that I need to get involved, put my time where my mouth is and use whatever influence I can to chance the world I live in for the better. I was busy with life, able to become complacent when Labour was in government. I took for granted the support and values that it gave to me, my family, my community and my country. I thought that choosing to work in the public sector was enough. But with the New coalition government taking a hatchet to so many of the great things that Labour did and to so many things that I value and hold dear, it's no longer enough to be complacent and expect somebody else to take up the fight. I refuse to stay in a mental place of fear and anger - I have to use this energy to do something constructive and positive.

I'm 38 years old and have a career in personal and professional training and development. After working for one of the big consultancy firms in my 20s I made a conscious decision to move to the public sector in 2005. This was partly for the flexibility this offered me in terms of flexible working and a more family friendly environment and partly becuase I felt that I selfishly wanted to feel that the work I was doing makes a tangible difference to people's lives. I'm passionate about the public sector. I know work for a local authority in the North West of England and I honestly love my job. I consider myself really lucky to be able to go to work, use my skills, get recognised for them and know that I'm having a positive impact. I also get to work with passionate people who value what they do. Whilst we don't always share identical outlooks, ways of working or beliefs, we all work hard to provide the best possible services for people. That gives me much more of a buzz that helping people to sell more credit cards or process phone applications faster ever did.

You see, I just don't recognise the bloated bureaucracy filled with lazy pen pushers in cushy jobs that the Coalition and right wing press would have us believe. I work with passionate, skilled people who also value public service and know that their work helps people. Many are creative, dynamic and highly intelligent. I love the fact that a fair few didn't do that well initially at school, but that working in the public sector has allowed them to continue to study, to gain qualifications and be recognised for the experience they bring to the job.

I'm lucky enough to work with people at all levels of the local authority - from refuse staff, social care staff, engineering managers, HR professionals - and they all share a commitment for improving the lives of our community. It makes me very angry to see their work and their characters maligned. I'm also appalled at the viscous cuts announced, the blatant disregard for the pain this will inflict on so many vulnerable people, the pious and frankly insulting 'we're all in this together' speeches.

So I've decided that I need to get more involved. At a local level with campaigning for issues, for the Labour Party, for nation and international issues I feel are important. It's no longer an issue to sit back and trust that our government will take care of the poor and vulnerable for us. This coalition have quickly and very clearly shown that they won't.

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